IDEAL FOR CHILDREN AND INDIVIDUALS WITH SORE HANDS OR NAILS. An excellent tool designed to assist kids and those experiencing discomfort in their fingers or with recently manicured nails while opening their favorite drinks, refreshments, and snacks.
PERFECT FOR ENTERTAINING LARGE GROUPS. Don't let your guests struggle to open their favorite drink. Store these openers near your cooler to make opening beverages as smooth and pain free as possible.
DISHWASHER SAFE ON TOP RACK. Traditional can openers are difficult to clean and typically get rusty over time. Our professional grade industrial strength rubber tool is easy to use, wash and care for.
EASILY OPEN YOUR CANS. No more frustration from stubborn tabs that won't lift up. Quickly pop the top of canned soda, soup, fruit, dog or cat food without pain or chipping or damaging fingernails.